
Daycare - Forum Italia


Our Program Statement

The primary goals of Forum Italia Daycare

  • To provide a high quality, supportive family-centered program for young children and their families in a warm, safe and responsive environment. Children are actively involved in a variety of play and daily living experiences designed to promote their physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development.
  • To work collaboratively with all families.

Ministry Involvement

Forum Italia Daycare offers a program consistent with the Ministry of Education policies, pedagogy, and curriculum. Some of the Ministry documents we reference in our program include the following:

  • How Does Learning Happen
  • Ontario Early Years Framework
  • Elect document (Early Learning For Every Child Today)

Daily Activities

Forum Italia Daycare provides opportunities during the day to enhance children’s interest and development. Some of the activates we offer daily include:

  • Music and cooking
  • Physical Education
  • Nature and science
  • Arts and crafts design
  • Daily opportunities for active outdoor play
  • Language and literacy
  • Rest time for children
  • Intergenerational Program with seniors at Villa Forum Long Term Care and Forum Italia Seniors Residence

Trips & Events

We provide the children, with special full and part day trips on site and off site. These trips incorporate learning experiences through a variety of hands on activities, which includes, science, natural environment and recreational as well as magic shows, bowling and yoga, bubble panty, annual show ect.

These trips and events are all year round with no additional cost to the parents.

Through our Bingo Fundraising efforts and thanks to the Board Members and Volunteers, we are able to provide these trips all year round with no additional cost to the parents.

Special Events

Once every two weeks the Toddler, Intermediate and Senior classes have the opportunity to visit with the seniors at Villa Forum Long Term Care Home, as well as Forum Italia Non-Profit Seniors Residence as part of our Intergenerational program. During this time the seniors and children together engage in fun-filled activities such as gardening, arts and crafts, music and cooking. The children also enjoy going over for a costume parade and Trick-or-Treating during Halloween. This time together gives the children and seniors a sense of community and appreciation for the older generations.


Healthy meals are the foundation of growth, early child development and education. We believe nutrition and healthy eating habits are fundamental skills and we play an important role in helping your child learn and enjoy a variety of nutritious foods every day. Forum Italia Daycare works with a registered dietician to develop standard menus for all our programs that are both nutritious and appealing to children. Our exceptional standards of food service follow the Canada’s Food Guide and rotated seasonally offering spring, summer, fall and winter menus.

Forum Italia Daycare is a nut-free centre. We accommodate children with dietary and medical restrictions, allergies and/or cultural requirements, which includes halal and vegetarian choices.

Parent Engagement and Communication

At Forum Italia Daycare, parents/guardians are viewed as a vital party to their child’s successful experience and are encouraged to enter into a unique partnership/collaboration with the teachers. Effective communication between Forum Italia Daycare and the home are viewed as essential and is shared with parents/guardians on regular basis through our monthly activity calendar/newsletter, regular email updates with photos to share what children are learning and creating on a daily basis.

Types of Programs Offered

Forum Italia Daycare offers both full time and part time programs for toddlers and preschoolers.


18 months to 2.5 years
Teacher/child ratio – 1:5


2.5 years to 5 years
Teacher/child ratio – 1:8